An impressive parade

On 16th Aug, we (AYVP volunteers) joined a parade of the community in Lembang in celebration of Indonesian Independence Day. The parade was colorful and crowded. Hundreds of people from all RTs and RWs dressed up in their own theme. Some dressed in traditional customs. Some wore uniforms of their organization. Some dressed up as characters in Indonesian fairty tales and myths. They also performed along the way to the hall of the village. A few groups sang during the parade. Some others played the drum which are made from household utensils. I was impressed by the skillfulness of the drummers and the stamina of the singers.

Unity in Diversity
I was lucky to have a chance to join this special event. I can see “unity in diversity”, as the Indonesian national motto goes. Although people come from different classes, wear different clothes, differ greatly in age, they were present to celebrate the 72th anniversary of the Independence Day of their country. Although their life is packed with difficulties regarding making a living and dealing with natural disasters, they still look to the future with considerable optimism. I love the way they danced, sang and smiled.

Community Engagement

AYVP volunteers wore their traditional clothes and joined the parade with local residents throughout the day. We also performed our Harka at the end of the parade. Personally, I was happy and proud to be a part of this event. I learnt more about the community by the virtue of this event. If we want to gain trust from the community, we need to engage in their activities. I think that we (volunteers) have taken a step closer to the community that we serve.